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[Diary] I am not as big of a deal as I used to think I was.

by 지구별시골쥐 2022. 10. 22.


As of today, I must face the reality that I am not as big of a deal as I used to think I was.

This week, two entities both selected someone else whom they believe is a better fit for their open position for which I applied. In short, they both turned me down.

I have been feeling that I may be too old to compete against way younger and smarter newcomers for these temp positions, and this seems to be my wake-up call.

If I were a bit younger, I might keep trying with the various UN jobs (to be a regular staff one day), but I guess it is time for me to let other people have their chances.

I'll try to loosen up from now on and see what I can do.

May God lead unto the path that is meant for me.

It must be very disheartening but maybe it is just a matter of perseverance with the UN positions. The competition for such roles must be very high but you have experience which younger candidates will not have. Opening yourself up to other options can’t hurt though and you might find something completely new which will make you very happy. Just keep trying and don’t give up 🙂
