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Daily Lives of Jooyoung10

치키차카초코 관악신림점 - 신림동 아이스크림 디저트 치키차카초코 관악신림점 신림동 아이스크림 디저트 신대방난곡사거리에서 신림역으로 따릉이 타고 오고갈 때 눈에 띈 귀염뽀짝한, 코르네파이 전문점입니다. 어느 블로그 후기에서 코르네파이 안에 존맛탱 아이스크림이 있다고 해서 기억했던 곳이였어요. 그런데 알고보니, 베이커리 안에 선택 가능한 을 얼려서 보관해뒀기에 마치 얼린 아이스크림과 같다고 착각할 수 있겠더라고요. 초콜릿드링크와 함께하기 좋은 신림동 달콤한디저트 맞았어요. 냠냠 😋 가게 인스타주소는 다음과 같습니다. @chichacho_gwanak 치키차카초코 관악신림점 신림동 아이스크림 디저트 #맛집블로거 #지구별시골쥐 #치차초 #치차초관악신림점 #디퍼밀크 #치플러리 #신대방디저트 #난곡사거리디저트 #치키차카초코관악신림점 2023. 6. 24.
[Diary] I am not as big of a deal as I used to think I was. [Diary] As of today, I must face the reality that I am not as big of a deal as I used to think I was. This week, two entities both selected someone else whom they believe is a better fit for their open position for which I applied. In short, they both turned me down. I have been feeling that I may be too old to compete against way younger and smarter newcomers for these temp positions, and this .. 2022. 10. 22.
[Diary] One diligent move in the past could have changed my entire life [Diary] I went on a drive outside of Seoul with my parents. We had a spicy steamed fish dish before strolling in a new park along the stream running from Osong Mountain. We were impressed by the well-designed villas surrounding the area, the style of which led us all to conclude that the residents are likely to be wealthy. The speed of city expansion and modernization is so fast that things seem.. 2022. 10. 13.
[Diary] securing a 3-week government job supporting online training for the Indo [Diary] I heard some good news today which is that I might be able to secure a 3-week government job supporting online training for the Indonesian govt. officials. The downside is that the location is 1 hr 40 min away from my home; the payment, however, is nice for a temporary position. I am still wavering about whether to take it though. I finally sold my Nike Airmax online today; I haven't wor.. 2022. 10. 8.